
Sunday, June 2, 2013

What's this?

A new post?  Will this madness never end?

This weekend, we decided that it was time to sell my old truck, the Chevy S-10 that got me through the latter part of college, a move to San Francisco, plus many trips to Portland from San Francisco, a move to Seattle, with many trips to Portland, and a couple of years after before I purchased my current vehicle.  She's been well loved, well taken care of, but still shows wear and tear.

We fixed the doors last weekend - a tedious project, and moved onto the interior.

Here's the interior of the truck, the seats, carpet, and some wiring removed.  

The old interior.  As you can see, it's had better days.

The new interior installed, trimmed up, and ready to go.  

Almost done.  A quick cleaning with the vacuum and it's finished.

  And the leftovers plus the old interior.  

This project, while considerably more time consuming than the doors project, was actually much easier.  The doors still aren't completely done due to some disagreement between me, and the instructions provided - the internet didn't provide much help either.  

So the S-10 project marches on.  I suppose you're wondering if this is a project I will actually finish - the bed frame still isn't stained, and I've had to start over on the trophy blades -but since I've been getting calls on the truck, it's something that will have to be done.  The remaining projects are numerous, but small - replace a couple of handles, fix the remaining door, deep clean, check the fuel system - and she should be in ship shape come late July.