
Monday, August 30, 2010

The Bed Frame pt. 2

Fall season is right around the corner which means recruitment and fund raising take priority over not having a bed. Fortunately today is a rather easy day so I managed to get a little further ahead. Right now I'm working out the kinks in how to build up the frame for my head board but for now I got the interior pieces done.

All the pieces have been cut and numbered, important since I'm building four different "window shutters" and I want them to each look a little different. Think rustic. Numbering and recording now means that when it comes time to put them together I won't be trying to figure out what goes where. Remember kids, Anthony Bourdain says "Prior preparation prevents piss poor performance."

Beginning to set up the head board. The space I'm working on is only about about 4 feet wide but each piece will be separated by about 3 inches.

A closer look at this "window shutter" design that I keep talking about.

All four pieces done, marked and ready for the rest of the frame. To cut down on the wood I'd need I've decided to go with a "floating" look meaning instead of nailing these boards to two pieces running perpendicular across the back side, as a real window shutter might have, the frame instead will hold them in place.

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