
Monday, September 6, 2010

The Bed Frame pt. 4

When we last left our hero he'd just completed assembly of the head board and was now moving into darker - literally - dangerous waters. Sanding and staining. Proper sanding and staining are critical and can be time consuming. This is not where you want to start cutting corners. It'd be a damn shame to have put this much time and money - albeit little money - into your bed just to ruin it because you get impatient. Take the time and you will be rewarded.The stain otherwise known as "Bombay Mahogany." Fancy name for dark red I suppose. This is the test piece sanded and prepped. Not a bad color but a second coat will definitely help.

This is one of the two posts that will support the head board. They're made from four boards glued together then cut down.

Sanding is definitely not one of my favorite things in the world. Thankfully I found this little gadget that I bought for the renovation project I did at my dad's place in California. The good news is that it cuts sanding time by half. The bad news is that it creates a ton of sawdust that gets everywhere
Like I said, everywhere. The result of sanding one half - yes half - of a bed post. The pile was a lot bigger once I was done with a single post but cameras and sawdust don't mix. I managed to get both posts nearly done although there are some swirl spots from the bench saw that will have to be worked on. Next up, the head board.

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